The Art of the Possible is a 2017 documentary film about AEGEE directed by Luca Giazzi, written by Raquel Corbálan Fernández, produced by Luca Giazzi and CQ Procesmanagement. After we had the premiere in Dresden and Berlin with the Italian director of the movie attending, this awesome movie is finally available online! Read more →
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Premiere in Dresden: The Art of the Possible
What: Premiere of a documentary When: Tuesday, 31.01.2017 @ 20:00h Where: Kino im Kasten, August-Bebel-Str. 20, 01219 Dresden Fee: none On 31st of January The Art of the Possible will be played for the first time in Dresden. The Art of the Possible tells the story of five travelers that have one thing in common. They are people whose lives… Read more →