Feeling European – something you can’t learn, but experience. That’s why I applied for the Network Meeting Cluj-Napoca in Romania. The topic was about sharing ideas and experience in an international group of AEGEE members from all over Europe. We were a great group, 25 participants from Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Serbia, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Spain and Italy, all… Read more →
Our events
AEGEE-Dresden demonstrating against Pegida
It is the 9th November 2015. This date has a special meaning in the german history. 77 years ago, the so called Crystal Night took place. Organized and guided by the NS-regime, fascists committed violent actions against Jewish people, their relatives, their flats, their businesses and their holy places: the synagogues. Over 1,000 synagogues were burnt down on German territory,… Read more →
Develop Yourself 2 – Bewerbungsfrist endet bald!
Get what all enterprises look for! Do you think that University doesn’t teach you everything you need to know to impress a potential employer? Would you like to improve your body language as well as gaining confidence on your pitch skills? Are you interested in becoming a better public speaker? Then you can’t miss this training course! Develop Yourself 2… Read more →
A German-Ukrainian friendship
Today, during Autumn Agora Kyïv, the semi-annual general assembly of AEGEE-Europe, AEGEE-Kyïv and we, AEGEE-Dresden, finally became twin antennae! What does this mean? It means that we intensify our work together. We help each other, we visit each other, we organize things together, even a bit more than before. This is awesome for AEGEE-Dresden, as AEGEE-Kyïv is an immense and… Read more →
Es ist Agora in Kyïv!
Pünktlich wie immer findet im Moment die europäische Vollversammlung von AEGEE statt, die sogenannte Agora. Für die Autumn Agora 2015, die zweite Agora dieses Jahr, wurde AEGEE-Kyïv als Veranstalter gewählt und somit findet die Agora diesmal in der Ukraine statt. Aktuell befinden sich rund 600 AEGEE-Vertreter aus über 100 verschiedenen europäischen Städten in Kyïv. AEGEE-Dresden ist natürlich auch vertreten! Während… Read more →
Develop Yourself 2
Get what all enterprises look for! Do you think that University doesn’t teach you everything you need to know to impress a potential employer? Would you like to improve your body language as well as gaining confidence on your pitch skills? Are you interested in becoming a better public speaker? Then you can’t miss this training course! Read more →
First party of the semester: Culture Shock Party (Erasmus Party, 8th October)
WOOHOOOOOO! It’s again that time of the year… University is about to start, but this time you’re in a new country! Let’s start the semester right and party until the sun raises. Come with your friends, or alone! This is the first party of the year, so let’s break the ice and get to know the new Erasmus crew (-;… Read more →
AEGEE Golden Times about our Fundraising Miracle
Dresden’s FR Miracle: 1120 Drinks, 71 Kilo Bread, 45 Kilo Tomatoes… That’s the headline of a new article featured in AEGEE Golden Times online magazine about the story of our Fundraising campaign for the ongoing Summer University that we organized together with AEGEE-Wrocław and AEGEE-Berlin. Read more →
Global Boomerang Project in Spain
Six AEGEE-Dresden members, together with two members of ESN TU Dresden went to a youth exchange funded by the Erasmus+ Program near Zamora in a small town called Muga de Sayago. We had lots of fun learning about Entrepreneurship and Youth Social Initiatives with the participants from five other countries: Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania and Greece. We had the opportunity… Read more →
Follow DresDino to Wroclaw!
From 4th to 7th of June, a big group of AEGEE-Dresden members followed DresDino, our mascot, to Wrocław. Breslau – that’s the german name of the city – has 630,000 inhabitants and is located in the Lower Silesian province in south western Poland, roughly 280 km away from Dresden. What makes Wrocław special is the fact that it is one of the partner cities of… Read more →